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Contemporary Artspace
London 1997-2000

Lynx - Lehderstrasse 32 - Berlin 2007


Reality Bites
27 April until 31 May 2007

Roger Ballen, Robert Gligorov, Sandy Skoglund, Andres Serrano, Erwin Olaf, Pierre Crocquet, Democracia, Tae-Hun Kang, Daniel & Geo Fuchs, Martin Heinig, Lukas Maximilian Hüller, Maslen & Mehra, Joel Peter Witkin, Florian Schulz, Nadine Rennert, Stehn Raupach and Nadine Klein

Berlin’s Kochstraße is renowned as the city’s traditional media quarter. This is where daily current news and affairs are registered, filtered and edited. As a result of this process, various newspapers are published every morning, giving us fragmented insight into our present reality. The images produced by the media are often provocative and shocking, but also provide orientation in an ever increasingly complex world.

At this media-orientated hub, the opening exhibition ‚Reality Bites’ tackles the topic of ´reality’ and perceptions of it. The gallery presents international artworks which likewise reflect contemporary society – however in an aesthetic manner. Reality is often brutal, banal and leads to disillusionment: ‘Reality bites’! Yet, art adds a different dimension, thereby creating a distance, allowing the observer to reflect upon the aesthetics of ugliness.

The exhibition shows artworks which do not attempt to evoke pity, nor do they belong to the genre of socio-critical documentary photography. The artists – Andres Serrano, Robert Gligorov, Erwin Olaf, Tae-Hun Kang and Roger Ballen, to name only a few – deal with reality how they see or experience it with their very own, unique interpretation. The work often relies on symbolic use of everyday objects ie a water faucet in Tae-Hun Kang’s installations, or it plays with allegory like Lukas Maximilian Hüller’s contemporary version of the Seven Deadly Sins (exemplified by ‘Wrath’). Roger Ballen and Pierre Crocquet portray people on the fringes of post-apartheid South African society. Democracia, who recently exhibited at Moscow Biennale, portray a socio-critical view of society in their projects ‘Charity’ and ‘All things will come to pass’. The viewer is forced to participate in this surreal, `real` world!

Galerie Caprice Horn
Kochstrasse 60
10969 Berlin
