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Contemporary Artspace
London 1997-2000


curated by Carter Presents London

Shooting in the dark is about blind faith, firing into the darkness in the belief  that you might just hit your target. 

  The work of these artists is  pop, irreverent and kitch looking as much into the present and future of popular culture as it does to its past. Mark Wright's  paintings of "toxic Wasteland's", The street art of Pure Evil, Gordon Cheung's, post psychadelic, montages, Will Tuck's air brushed  roccocco porn, Jonathan Gent's witty musings and irreverent observations, the paintings of 50's and 60's film still's by Freya Wright, Jonathan McLeod's  intense psychological ruminations, Lee Maelzers reconstructed landscapes,  Daniel Jackson's pop optical coded prints, Brian Reeds, play on languages and perceptual shifts, Gavin Turks self referential notoriety, Thomas Draschan's cult filmography and Maslen and Mehra's  mirrored mirroring of peopled landscapes.

"A Shot in the Dark"  is the title for the 1964  Pink Panther comedy film cult classic directed by Blake Edwards  starring Peter Sellars as the bumbling French inspector Clouseau. The sixties were a time of optimism and fear, 1964 was dubbed the British invasion  by  Americans   as the Beatles, The Stones, Led Zeppelin, Rod Stewart, Deep Purple and the Who dominated the charts. it was a time of revolutionary fervor and despair as the Vietnam war escalated. Now  25 years on and the world is a very different place, but many  concerns and fears are still  just as important now as they were then, just the backdrop has changed, equality of  the races and sexes, democracy,  futile wars and the arms race are still of major concern. These artists are in the now, dealing with  issues of the day, young, energetic  and dynamic

(Another Day In Paradise)

Maslen & Mehra

20 x mirrored perspex and ply sculptures. 4ft tall each.
Each sculpture is based on a drawing and features a person on a mobile phone.
The mirrored surface of each sculpture reflects the environment in which
it is placed.