Green Futures Magazine October 2013

These ghostlike figures are hardly visible: what we see is the way they change the flow of light, casting shadows and reflecting the world around them back at
the camera. What a contrast to the many pictures we share, in which our own lives are front and centre, and the ‘backdrop’ remains just that...
We are nothing if not part and parcel of that backdrop, this piece by the artists Maslen & Mehra seems to say. Their collaborative practice compares and contrasts the natural and human dimensions of the world in which we live. Here, the location is Shark Bay World Heritage Area, Australia, where ‘living fossils’, rich seagrass beds, migrating birds, humpback whales and endangered turtles make it a site of immense significance.
Green Futures is the go-to magazine for lively and engaging debate on environmental solutions and sustainable futures. Founded by leading environmentalist Jonathon Porritt in 1996, it it published by Forum for the Future.
Green Futures is described as a 'must read' by subscribers, which include business leaders, sustainability professionals, policy makers and students, with a keen eye on the world they want to live in.
Every quarterly issue of the print magazine offers news stories, features and comment on a range of topics, from clean energy and smart design, to food and finance in a changing world.
Green Futures also publishes an acclaimed series of Special Editions, providing the opportunity to delve into topical subjects in greater depth than is possible in the quarterly magazine. Recent topics range from the potential for co-operatives to reboot a sustainable economy, to the role of women in creating resilient economies; and from the sustainability legacy of the London 2012 Games, to the power of religion to shape a sustainable future.
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Shell Beach Shark Bay Western Australia
Print on aluminium and laminated acrylic 160 x 120cm